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Ghost Twins Vs. The House (Round 2) [IN COURT]

The Ghost Twins aka Amanda & Victoria Hepperle, are taking production and the 6 originals to court! The twins filed the report earlier today in Los Angeles. The report read: "Within 10 minutes of filming, they were attacked and beaten by six cast members. The officers and executives of the BG show orchestrated the attack." As if the 6 OGs werent brutal enough, the producers were also acting and being a certain type of way towards the Hepperle Twins. They asked producer Trish Gold to call the police and Trish refused! They also asked for their cellphones, ID cards, etc. so they can call the police and Trish refused AGAIN! She even refused them from calling their parents when they asked.

The driver who was driving the twins back to the hotel refused to take them to the hospital because he was given orders to take them back without any stops. It wasn't until he realized the major physical damages and condition the twins where in. They spent hours in urgent care. Later, at the hotel they both again requested for their phones and personal belongings and both producers Steve and Trish refused. Their faces were badly bruised and swollen from the beatings. Trish and Steve later came back to the hotel room with a camera crew and demanded the twins to say "I quit the show" and they would be handed back all their personal items and be returned home. They felt like they were hostages.

As stated in the report we can confirm that all 6 girls: Angela & Kristina, Amber & Asia. Dime & Oliva are defendants in the case. The incident happened on September 26, 2015. The report also says the 6 girls proceeded to beat, kick, punch and attack the twins. We do hope Amanda and Victoria do get justice from this case. Too read the FULL report with more details COPY and PASTE this link in your browser:

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