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BGC15: Jaimee and Jazmyn

Meet Jaimee & Jazmyn Wallace, the 7th set of sisters to walk into the BGC15 house. Jaimee and Jazmyn are NOT replacements! After the terrible Ghost Twins incident, it was already time for 2 new girls to take their spots. Allison and Melissa "The Millionaires" replaced Amanda and Victoria Hepperle (Ghost Twins), but there was a twist to getting new girls very fast. Instead of just having 2 replacements walk through the doors, they'll be entering the house with another set of Bad Girl Originals! Some call the Wallace sisters "Late Originals" or "Additions". This is what makes them part of the 'Twisted Sisters' theme. It shocked everyone when they came in.

Jaimee and Jazmyn are very turnt and energetic when they walk in. Greeting everyone in a positive, fun way and already enjoying themselves. The other OGs aren't feeling them and you can see there's already tension in the house. The Wallace sisters nickname on the show are "The Queens Of Twerkville"

The OG's get upset and start hating on the Wallace sisters because of the way they dress, act, and make them as a group look. It shouldn't really matter to them what Jazmyn and Jaimee are doing but they're just having fun but apparently the OG's can't to take their minds off of them.

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